2023 Medicare (Part B) – Hospital Services – Per Calendar Year

* Once you have been billed $226 of Medicare approved amounts for covered services (which are noted with an asterisk), your Part B deductible will have been met for the calendar year.

Medical Expenses Medicare Pays Plan Pays You Pay
IN OR OUT OF THE HOSPITAL AND OUTPATIENT HOSPITAL TREATMENT, such as Physician’s services, inpatient and outpatient medical and surgical services and supplies, physical and speech therapy, diagnostic tests, durable medical equipment      
First $226 of Medicare Approved Amounts* $0 $0 $226 (Part B deductible)
Remainder of Medicare Approved Amounts Generally 80% Balance, other than up to $20 per office visit and up to $50 per ER visit. The copayment of up to $50 is waived if the insured is admitted to any hospital and the emergency visit is covered as a Medicare Part A expense. Up to $20 per office visit and up to $50 per ER visit. The copayment of up to $50 is waived if the insured is admitted to any hospital and the emergency visit is covered as a Medicare Part A expense.
Part B Excess Charges Medicare Pays Plan Pays You Pay
Blood Medicare Pays Plan Pays You Pay
First 3 pints $0 All costs $0
Next $226 of Medicare Approved Amounts* $0 $0 $226 (Part B deductible)
Remainder of Medicare Approved Amounts 80% 20% $0
Clinical Laboratory Services Medicare Pays Plan Pays You Pay
Tests For Diagnostic Services 100% $0 $0